
My first english blog

Very few people know this web site, my blog. But, it exists since many many time ago. When I was younger and the frogs had wings. Yes. I was a very dreamer boy but I'm still the same. I hope I never change. I think my blog is like my personal log although I never write here. That's not ok! haha But anyways, it has checked many moments of my life. Moments I love.

Now, I'll start to write an English blog parallel to this one. Why in English? Because, as my teacher (and friend Stano) told me, I have GOT to surround myself of English to learn a lot :)

I fear that not using the "google translator" this could be disastrous and this text couldn't be read. I'll talk to my friend Isabelle before publishing it... Can you help me?? :P

In the following days I'll talk about some crazy things that have happened in my student flat 2010. (With Isa, Maria, Koki and many more characters).

((I didn't know that write in english was so difficult!))

Follow me in http://andyandysday.blogspot.com